EXTENDED CPC DSK File Disk-Info RVM v2 +Track-Info N Track-Info  N DISK OHMUMMY 1 D OHMUMMY 2 E gando ..." Z$a=1"ohmummy.2"23552\ d"ohmummy.1"23552\ dFAAnPLUS3DOS!z!\ # # <@T8L]\\\\\M]N]\P]a]a]!\9X![!@P!!88W K SR P#"OH MUMMY"23552\,8570z! 24064^ 1;"please wait.":"" :"type 'RUN' to master!!"  OH MUMMY z!\\z! ^^>2j\:x\2pi!j"{\>2k\>82H\>82\>;ge!"i>2oi!Dk~#~  a(i<  a.i<  a i<  ai< ! "ri2ticLg͚g2\ ceog:\(;g!o~#~ bI(P^͸uf>52i!i60#2i2iͰd_:i :iʀ_[mie[i>͋d:i 2[i>͋d'e[i>͋d:i=2ie:i0_2i2i:i=2i[iͧg++6#~( 2i#~2i+6#6^:i<ʏ_2i^;gr< > ʹb8:i9( <2is bs4< 2\:\C :oi^?2oi^s%^g c:i(og[i9c 2i (b:i 2i͆a[iSkiCr!rF`8`#8`N!i ~`:i ͚` ͨ` ͚`ͨ`*i9cb>͋d>2i>2iͶ`#Ͷ`Ͷ`#Ͷ`N!i ~w6y8OxWy_:r_a:r5a:rSa:ra!r~4a#!habe>͋dSri2ji2x\!ha:i2iagi< !ia>2i!ia:i2ibeaPLUS3DOSf  b0:0:7::21,29;"MRM":11 ,5;"Vidas infinitas (S-N)" *a$=:a$="S"a$="s"a=1:502 $a$="N"a$="n"a=0:502 ( 20 2K.10}L,10 :a=14:11 ,27;"Si":70F <"2:11 ,27;"No" Fb=1100d:b P,7:15,11 ;"CarTrack-Info  N bi< *i[kiR <:i!r>OW:i!r>go:i8((  MD>z{a~(#a#>>>ׯͧg##6#6!i~9 60>0:or >:Vr >:^r>2i[iSi?dSi9cG![iR(4x8:iO:i[i͋d[i9c2iy2iSi>͋d:iog:i2i[pibK:pibKR8+"pig.U)0ɯ2\Lg!\~C(P(I 6:ti<2tiG!oi>ʹbʹb`>  >>>O>                                                                  G!oi~ ~"iV^Si:oiʹb ;Ki:i8(>>2i:i8(>>2i>ʹbKi(xAOpq*i*d^d*i#*d^d>ʹbFN(  !jXF!jYNpq~?dSi9c8(<*i8((-[d.$,%]TN~[i͋d[i9çdrswq>͋d>z{y&DjK))))) X wͧg##~#Nɯ2i2ti2i2i>2jie:i<2i!"ri͋e>ׯׯi@< eVeleleleleVe> X͋d:iGc! "i"ki >͋d{eO:^r  >8 ͋d[i>͋d> 2i2i>2i>ׯ> >>> 3j:< >ׯ͎                                ```          ```                     _3>ʹb!r(2r!r >ʹb!r(!r(w# >ׯ>>ׯi< >ׯ>:i>>ׯ{!uif6#;g!r~(#:\NfY ͚g>>>>Y>E>S>> >>>>?ygO>y2Vr>> > >?yg!Vr(O>y2^r>> >>?ygO:Vr(:^r(>y2fr>> >>?ygO:Vr(:^r(:fr(>y2or>>>>N>O!qr~(#yg1840O>yy0!oi 6  6?6!r~(#ygO180_!T]! R"mi>y>ׯ  Ne!:h͎^>#V#N#F#i`͵!f͵͎  HIGH SCORE TABLE    05000 GEM SOFTWARE     04000 GEM SOFTWARE     03000 GEM SOFTWARE     02000 GEM SOFTWARE     01000 GEM SOFTWARE    0_308:8A8[0͎8!wiF#NR( D:ji:x\ !:iKji >N(-#F*ri [ri> ͋d]T>͋d:ji<<2jiSri2x\>2ji:i<2i[ri> ͋d!"ric7=jzn7=AjR=AjnAjI&&&&RWRI=Aj$$$$IRIAj ``` ```      MUMMYKEY)     PRESS I-INSTRUCTIONS P-PLAY DO YOU WISH TO CHANGETHE CONTROL KEYS ?CURRENT KEYS ARE :- UP-A DOWN-Z LEFT-K RIGHT-L ENTER SKILL LEVEL (1 TO 3)(3 IS HARDEST) ?ENTER SPEED LEVEL (1 TO 5)(5 IS FASTEST)?    STOP PRESS ========== British museum today announcedsuccessful excavation of ancientegyptian tomb. PRESS C TO CONT   i00000SCORE:00000 MEN:5 >>>>> + <<<        B B@B`BBBBBJ J@J`JJJJJR R@R`RRRRR8~?<<<~<~<$f~Z~f<êUUUUe~ࠠe~8|wUA|8  1983 - GEM SOFTWARE Track-Info  N INUE  Expedition to receive an extramember for the team. Successful explorer rewarded athousand points bonus. M6]<`uJ< 2:z D!:qIuu!pIu >&!pIu >!bpIu >!pIu >>(G>G!p:q\+!oHG6 #i!o~(#<>>>ׯ2u!u>>>>>ׯu ( (/O:u (<2uq#>y:u(=2u+>> >>ït>> 6 !!u~ (#>>͎ 0_3 ( ( 8_0͎8iN(0ɯ<#    G A M E O V E R    LSXhD!v~(##v< ͎ 0_3C ͎8D PRESS C TO CONTINUE  SCENARIO ======== You are in charge of a party ofarchaeologists, ordered to Egyptby the British Museum to exploreancient tombs. All the tombs have five levels.Each level contains :- treasure,a scroll, a key, a mummy of theroyal family, and two guardians. One of these guardians, will beawakened by your entry, and willchase your party seeking PLUS3DOS""Xw# # <@T8L]\\\\\M]N]\P]a]a]!\9X![!@P!!88W K SR P#"OH MUMMY"23552\,8570z! 24064^ 1;"please wait.":"" :"type 'RUN' to master!!"  OH MUMMY z!\\z! ^^revengefor your sacrilege. SCENARIO ======== The second buried guardian willonly come to life, should you beunlucky enough to uncover it. You do however have one defenceagainst the guardians, the magicscroll hidden on each level. If you have uncovered the magicscroll, you will be able to killone guardian when attacked. eachscroll will only work once, alsoit can only be used on the levelon which it was found. SCENARIO ======== When you have collected 5 royalmummies, a report is printed an>2j\:x\2pi!j"{\>2k\>82H\>82\>;ge!"i>2oi!Dk~#~  a(i<  a.i<  a i<  ai< ! "ri2ticLg͚g2\ ceog:\(;g!o~#~ bI(P^͸uf>52i!i60#2i2iͰd_:i :iʀ_[mie[i>͋d:i 2[i>͋d'e[i>͋d:i2ie:i0_2i2i:i=2i[iͧg++6#~( 2i#~2i+6#6^dyou will be rewarded in some wayfor your efforts. You will then move into anothertomb, in which the guardians aremore cunning than those before. You guide your party around thelevels of a tomb, using the fourmovement control keys (later youmay specify these yourself). You will only be allowed out ofan exit when you have found boththe key and the royal mummy. SCENARIO ======== To uncover a square, guide yourparty around all four sides thatmake that square. Each side willbe filled in when you h:i<ʏ_2i^;gr< > ʹb8:i9( <2is bs4< 2\:\C :oi^?2oi^s%^g c:i(og[i9c 2i (b:i 2i͆a[iSkiCr!rF`8`#8`N!i ~`:i ͚` ͨ` ͚`ͨ`*i9cb>͋d>2i>2iͶ`#Ͷ`Ͷ`#Ͷ`N!i ~w6y8OxWy_:r_a:r5a:rSa:ra!r~4a#!habe>͋dSri2ji2x\!ha:i2iagi< !ia>2i!ia:i2ibeaave movedalong it's length. When you have travelled all theway round, you will be shown thecontents of that square. Treasure houses can be used forhiding in, if you are in danger. If you do manage to get throughthe exit, all remaining monsterswill follow you through the exitonto the next level. SYMBOLS USED ======= ====   `````` ROYAL MUMMYYOURPARTY TREASURE HOUSE MAGIC SCROLLKEY TO EXITGUARDIANMUMMY560),A Track-Info  N bi< *i[kiR <:i!r>OW:i!r>go:i8((  MD>z{a~(#a#>>>ׯͧg##6#6!i~9 60>0:or >:Vr >:^r>2i[iSi?dSi9cG![iR(4x8:iO:i[i͋d[i9c2iy2iSi>͋d:iog:i2i[pibK:pibKR8+"pig.U)0ɯ2\Lg!\~C(P(I 6:ti<2tiG!oi>ʹbʹb`>  >>>O>                                                                  G!oi~ ~"iV^Si:oiʹb ;Ki:i8(>>2i:i8(>>2i>ʹbKi(xAOpq*i*d^d*i#*d^d>ʹbFN(  !jXF!jYNpq~?dSi9c8(<*i8((-[d.$,%]TN~[i͋d[i9çdrswq>͋d>z{y&DjK))))) X wͧg##~#Nɯ2i2ti2i2i>2jie:i<2i!"ri͋e>ׯׯi@< eVeleleleleVe> X͋d:iGc! "i"ki >͋d{eO:^r  >8 ͋d[i>͋d> 2i2i>2i>ׯ> >>> 3j:< >ׯ͎                                ```          ```                     _3>ʹb!r(2r!r >ʹb!r(!r(w# >ׯ>>ׯi< >ׯ>:i>>ׯ{!uif6#;g!r~(#:\NfY ͚g>>>>Y>E>S>> >>>>?ygO>y2Vr>> > >?yg!Vr(O>y2^r>> >>?ygO:Vr(:^r(>y2fr>> >>?ygO:Vr(:^r(:fr(>y2or>>>>N>O!qr~(#yg1840O>yy0!oi 6  6?6!r~(#ygO180_!T]! R"mi>y>ׯ  Ne!:h͎^>#V#N#F#i`͵!f͵͎  HIGH SCORE TABLE    05000 GEM SOFTWARE     04000 GEM SOFTWARE     03000 GEM SOFTWARE     02000 GEM SOFTWARE     01000 GEM SOFTWARE    0_308:8A8[0͎8!wiF#NR( D:ji:x\ !:iKji >N(-#F*ri [ri> ͋d]T>͋d:ji<<2jiSri2x\>2ji:i<2i[ri> ͋d!"ric7=jzn7=AjR=AjnAjI&&&&RWRI=Aj$$$$IRIAj ``` ```      MUMMYKEY)     PRESS I-INSTRUCTIONS P-PLAY DO YOU WISH TO CHANGETHE CONTROL KEYS ?CURRENT KEYS ARE :- UP-A DOWN-Z LEFT-K RIGHT-L ENTER SKILL LEVEL (1 TO 3)(3 IS HARDEST) ?ENTER SPEED LEVEL (1 TO 5)(5 IS FASTEST)?    STOP PRESS ========== British museum today announcedsuccessful excavation of ancientegyptian tomb. PRESS C TO CONT   i00000SCORE:00000 MEN:5 >>>>> + <<<        B B@B`BBBBBJ J@J`JJJJJR R@R`RRRRR8~?<<<~<~<$f~Z~f<êUUUUe~ࠠe~8|wUA|8  1983 - GEM SOFTWARE Track-Info  N INUE  Expedition to receive an extramember for the team. Successful explorer rewarded athousand points bonus. M6]<`uJ< 2:z D!:qIuu!pIu >&!pIu >!bpIu >!pIu >>(G>G!p:q\+!oHG6 #i!o~(#<>>>ׯ2u!u>>>>>ׯu ( (/O:u (<2uq#>y:u(=2u+>> >>ït>> 6 !!u~ (#>>͎ 0_3 ( ( 8_0͎8iN(0ɯ<#    G A M E O V E R    LSXhD!v~(##v< ͎ 0_3C ͎8D PRESS C TO CONTINUE  SCENARIO ======== You are in charge of a party ofarchaeologists, ordered to Egyptby the British Museum to exploreancient tombs. All the tombs have five levels.Each level contains :- treasure,a scroll, a key, a mummy of theroyal family, and two guardians. One of these guardians, will beawakened by your entry, and willchase your party seeking revengefor your sacrilege. SCENARIO ======== The second buried guardian willonly come to life, should you beunlucky enough to uncover it. You do however have one defenceagainst the guardians, the magicscroll hidden on each level. If you have uncovered the magicscroll, you will be able to killone guardian when attacked. eachscroll will only work once, alsoit can only be used on the levelon which it was found. SCENARIO ======== When you have collected 5 royalmummies, a report is printed andyou will be rewarded in some wayfor your efforts. You will then move into anothertomb, in which the guardians aremore cunning than those before. You guide your party around thelevels of a tomb, using the fourmovement control keys (later youmay specify these yourself). You will only be allowed out ofan exit when you have found boththe key and the royal mummy. SCENARIO ======== To uncover a square, guide yourparty around all four sides thatmake that square. Each side willbe filled in when you have movedalong it's length. When you have travelled all theway round, you will be shown thecontents of that square. Treasure houses can be used forhiding in, if you are in danger. If you do manage to get throughthe exit, all remaining monsterswill follow you through the exitonto the next level. SYMBOLS USED ======= ====   `````` ROYAL MUMMYYOURPARTY TREASURE HOUSE MAGIC SCROLLKEY TO EXITGUARDIANMUMMY560),A Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info N         Track-Info N         Track-Info N         Track-Info N         Track-Info N         Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info  N Track-Info N         Track-Info ! N!!!!!!!! !Track-Info " N"""""""" "Track-Info # N######## #Track-Info $ N$$$$$$$$ $Track-Info % N%%%%%%%% %Track-Info & N&&&&&&&& &Track-Info ' N'''''''' '